Zalikha, Lead Information Security, Compliance and Methods for Information Technology emphasizes the importance of cyber security in the modern world.
زليخة، مسؤول أمن المعلومات والامتثال وطرق تكنولوجيا المعلومات In the Frontlines against Cyber Attacks

On her role in combatting cyber threats…
I currently hold the position of Enterprise Cybersecurity Officer and Local Information Manager for the Qatar Affiliate. My primary responsibility is to safeguard company assets and users from potential cyberattacks, acting as the initial line of defense. I also collaborate with our headquarters team (HQ) in France, aiding in the execution of our comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. This strategy encompasses risk management, policy enforcement, incident management, and adherence to both local and corporate regulations in Qatar and at our HQ. Furthermore, one of my primary objectives is the continuous monitoring of threats, educating our users, and raising awareness about potential risks.
On the importance of cybersecurity…
Cybersecurity is vital for every organization, serving as the frontline defense against threats and safeguarding sensitive information. A security breach can tarnish an organization's reputation and can have significant financial and legal repercussions. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, it is essential for organizations to consistently adapt and bolster their defenses. In essence, cybersecurity is crucial for the survival, growth, and sustainability of any organization.
Cybersecurity Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. As cyberthreats continuously evolve, it is important for everyone to be vigilant and adapt to these new threats. We should also promote strong cybersecurity practices and data protection in this era of digital transformation. In essence, Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a crucial annual reminder to fortify our digital defenses, stay informed, and protect our interconnected world.
Advice for everyone….
Stay vigilant and think before you click, as you could be the entry door for any cyber-attacks.

“Stay vigilant and think before you click, as you could be the entry door for any cyber-attacks.”