Total’s Water Management Workshop Promotes Innovative Treatment Methods
TOTAL recently organized a workshop, hosting experts from across the country to brainstorm on new innovative ways to treat produced wastewater.
The workshop, which focused on ‘how to overall improve, and treat wastewater better, particularly in the oil, gas, and petrochemical domains’, was held on 3rd and 4th February in Total’s Research Center-Qatar (TRC-Q), and promoted interactions between representatives from QAPCO, Qatargas, Dolphin Energy, Conoco Philipps, Shell, SUEZ, Gas Processing Centre (GPC) at Qatar University, AgriGreen Qatar, Qatar Energy and Environment Research Institute (QEERI), Texas A&M University at Qatar, and North Oil Company.
“Total’s commitment to sustainability has strengthened its efforts to find new and innovative ways within our industry to benefit from the produced water”, said Marie France Benassy, Total’s HSE Research Program Manager, who was joined by other Total experts from its Headquarters in France. “This workshop is a platform to share strategies and best practices among players in industry for the most efficient reuse of generated water”
The workshop promoted exchanges on existing methods and processes for water treatment and water reuse in Qatar, tackled challenges relating to it, and summarized proposed solutions and future outlook for water management.
Total has a proven record of implementing environmentally safe best practices for the management of produced water coming from Al-Khalij field, in collaboration with Qatar University.
“Our Sustainable Development Research program aims to monitor and reduce the impact of our industrial activities on water quality and biodiversity”, said Yousef Al-Jaber, Director of Total Research Center-Qatar (TRC-Q).
“We are continuously resolving and exploring new and efficient wastewater treatment processes with our local and international partners and stakeholders”.
“Today in the field of sustainable development we have various projects for environmental and societal development, such as Carbon storage, Microalgae, Coral Reef Restoration, Air Quality and Valvometry.
We are also establishing new projects for environmental and societal development which will increase our portfolio”, added Anne Basseres, Senior Research Project Leader at TRC-Q.